Let’s see how it works

Submit your request

Submit your request

Just type-in what you want from India and submit

Check availability & cost

Check availability & cost

We connect with shops/vendors for availability, accurate price and provide you a free estimate

Confirm & pay

Confirm & pay

Verify your order details and complete your purchase by confirming and paying.

Order fulfilled

Order fulfilled

Your order will be fulfilled and provided with tracking number

We deliver our services really, really fast!

We deliver our services really, really fast!

We're lightning-fast! Our services are delivered at supersonic speeds, so you can get what you need quickly and efficiently.

Free estimates and availability check

We provide free estimates. This includes availability check and finding accurate price of the items

Same day shipping available

Get your items shipped the same day you complete your order

100% Reliable with Privacy

We're committed to being 100% reliable and protecting your privacy

Meet our Quality Features

No additional cost on items

No additional cost on items

Save big with our transparent pricing - no additional charges on the items you love



You will receive actual receipts from the shops and shipping partners

Track your order

Track your order

Stay informed every step of the way - track your order today!

Satisfaction guaranteed

Satisfaction guaranteed

Try us risk-free - satisfaction guaranteed or 100% refund of service fee

No account sign-up required

No account sign-up required

Simplify your checkout process - no account creation required

Trusted & Secure

Trusted & Secure

Experience peace of mind with our trusted and secure process

Let’s take your India shopping experience to the next level

Our team is dedicated to providing prompt and reliable services for NRIs. Our buying services cover a wide range of products, including traditional Indian dresses, sweets, and snacks, and we work with your favorite stores to ensure you get the exact products you want. Our pickup and shipping services are available for all your items, from personal care products to household items. We can even assist with obtaining birth and marriage certificates and provide professional care-giving services for your parents

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Your order is on its way

Great choice! Your order is on its way to you. Get ready to receive it. Thank you for choosing us!

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